#----------------------------------------------------------------------------bh- # This RPM .spec file is part of the OpenHPC project. # # It may have been modified from the default version supplied by the underlying # release package (if available) in order to apply patches, perform customized # build/install configurations, and supply additional files to support # desired integration conventions. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------eh- %include %{_sourcedir}/OHPC_macros %define pname warewulf-ipmi %define dname ipmi %define wwpkgdir /srv/warewulf Name: %{pname}%{PROJ_DELIM} Summary: IPMI Module for Warewulf Version: 3.8.1 Release: 1%{?dist} License: US Dept. of Energy (BSD-like) Group: %{PROJ_NAME}/provisioning URL: http://warewulf.lbl.gov/ Source0: https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf3/archive/%{version}.tar.gz#/warewulf3-%{version}.tar.gz Requires: warewulf-common%{PROJ_DELIM} BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: warewulf-common%{PROJ_DELIM} Conflicts: warewulf < 3 #!BuildIgnore: post-build-checks %description Warewulf >= 3 is a set of utilities designed to better enable utilization and maintenance of clusters or groups of computers. This is the IPMI module package. It contains Warewulf modules for adding IPMI functionality. %package -n %{pname}-initramfs-%{_arch}%{PROJ_DELIM} Summary: Warewulf - IPMI Module - Initramfs IPMI Capabilities for %{_arch} Group: System Environment/Clustering BuildArch: noarch %description -n %{pname}-initramfs-%{_arch}%{PROJ_DELIM} Warewulf Provisioning initramfs IPMI capabilities for %{_arch}. %prep %setup -n warewulf3-%{version} %build cd %{dname} if [ ! -f configure ]; then ./autogen.sh fi %configure --localstatedir=%{wwpkgdir} %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install cd %{dname} %{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__mkdir} -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_docdir} %files %{OHPC_PUB} %doc %{dname}/AUTHORS %{dname}/COPYING %{dname}/ChangeLog %{dname}/INSTALL %{dname}/NEWS %{dname}/README %{dname}/TODO %{wwpkgdir}/* %{_libexecdir}/warewulf/ipmitool %{perl_vendorlib}/Warewulf/Ipmi.pm %{perl_vendorlib}/Warewulf/Module/Cli/* %files -n %{pname}-initramfs-%{_arch}%{PROJ_DELIM} %{wwpkgdir}/initramfs/%{_arch}/capabilities/setup-ipmi