%global buildroot_ver 2024.02.2 Name: buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc Epoch: 1 Version: 1.6 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Buildroot generated ARMv6el uClibc toolchain # Most of the sources are licensed under GPLv3+ with these exceptions: # LGPLv2+ libquadmath/ libjava/libltdl/ gcc/testsuite/objc.dg/gnu-encoding/generate-random # libgcc/soft-fp/ libffi/msvcc.sh # LGPLv3+ gcc/prefix.c # BSD libgo/go/regexp/testdata/testregex.cz zlib/example.c libffi/ # libjava/classpath/external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/DatatypeLibraryLoader.java # GPLv2+ libitm/testsuite/libitm.c/memset-1.c libjava/ # Public Domain libjava/classpath/external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/EntityResolver2.java # libjava/classpath/external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/DeclHandler.java # BSL zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs License: GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD URL: https://buildroot.org Source0: https://buildroot.org/downloads/buildroot-%{buildroot_ver}.tar.gz Source1: armv6el.config BuildRequires: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Thread-Queue perl-FindBin perl-English perl-IPC-Cmd BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: make ncurses-devel wget bc rsync BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: make Requires: glibc Requires: libgcc AutoReqProv: no %undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build %global debug_package %{nil} %global __strip /bin/true %global _build_id_links alldebug %description Buildroot generated ARM toolchain targeting ARMv6 (little endian) EABI Uses uClibc as libc and provides static and shared libraries. Support for C and C++ %prep %setup -q -c cd buildroot-%{buildroot_ver} cp %{SOURCE1} .config %build cd buildroot-%{buildroot_ver} %make_build %install export QA_RPATHS=$[ 0xFFFF ] mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt cp -r buildroot-%{buildroot_ver}/output/host %{buildroot}/opt/buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc cd %{buildroot}/opt/buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc/ && ./bin/arm-linux-strip -d arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/libc.a # Strip debug symbols from .so files in sysroot for f in `find %{buildroot}/opt/buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot -type f -name "*.so*"`; do if file $f | grep "ELF" | grep "not stripped"; then %{buildroot}/opt/buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc/bin/arm-linux-strip -d $f fi done %files /opt/buildroot-armv6el-eabi-uclibc/* %changelog * Wed May 22 2024 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2024.05.22-1 - Bump to buildroot 2024.02.2 * Mon Apr 17 2023 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2023.04.17-1 - Bump to buildroot 2023.02 * Fri May 20 2022 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2022.05.20-1 - Bump to buildroot 2022.02.1 * Sat Oct 09 2021 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2021.10.09-1 - Bump to buildroot 2021.08.1 (and GCC 11) * Sat Sep 18 2021 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2021.09.18-1 - Bump to buildroot 2021.08 * Sat Jun 05 2021 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2021.06.05-1 - Bump to buildroot 2021.02.2 * Sun Mar 28 2021 David Guillen Fandos <david@davidgf.net> - 2021.03.28-1 - First version