%global pkgvers 0 %global scdate0 20240626 %global schash0 2987765a2d520c53a2976ff6c35968eeb09cbee4 %global branch0 master %global source0 https://github.com/PythonOT/POT.git %global sshort0 %{expand:%%{lua:print(('%{schash0}'):sub(1,8))}} Name: pot Version: 0.9.4 Release: %{scdate0}.%{pkgvers}.git%{sshort0}%{?dist} Summary: Python Optimal Transport License: MIT URL: https://pythonot.github.io BuildRequires: git gcc-c++ python3-devel python3-rpm-macros BuildRequires: python3-setuptools python3-Cython python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy python3-scikit-learn python3-matplotlib %description Python library provide several solvers for optimization problems related to Optimal Transport for signal, image processing and machine learning. %prep %setup -T -c -n %{name} git clone --depth 1 -n -b %{branch0} %{source0} . git fetch --depth 1 origin %{schash0} git reset --hard %{schash0} git log --format=fuller %build sed -i 's|"oldest-supported-numpy",||' setup.py %py3_build %install %py3_install %files %doc README.md %doc docs examples %license LICENSE %{python3_sitearch}/* %changelog * Fri Apr 22 2022 Cristian Balint - git update releases