## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.4.1) ## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 1; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec # We need to use C++17 to link against the system abseil-cpp, since it was # compiled with C++17 (an intentional abseil-cpp design decision). %global cpp_std 17 # However, we also get linker errors building the tests if we link against the # copy of gtest in Fedora (compiled with C++11). The exact root cause is not # quite clear. We must therefore bundle a copy of gtest in the source RPM # rather than using the system copy. This is to be discouraged, but there is no # alternative in this case. It is not treated as a bundled library because it # is used only at build time, and contributes nothing to the installed files. # We take measures to verify this in %%check. As long as we are using our own # copy, we use the exact same version as upstream. %global gtest_url https://github.com/google/googletest %global gtest_dir googletest-%{gtest_commit} %global gtest_commit 0e402173c97aea7a00749e825b194bfede4f2e45 #global gtest_version 1.11.0 #global gtest_dir googletest-release-#{gtest_version} %bcond system_gtest 1 # ===== # Parameters for third-party sources needed for their .proto files, which # upstream expects to download at build time. # # See https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/29254 “[xDS Proto] Enhence gRPC # buildgen for 3rd party proto compilation” and # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/commit/99752b173cfa2fba81dedb482ee4fd74b2a46bb0, # in which the download mechanism was added. # # Check CMakeLists.txt (search for “download_archive”) for a list of these # third-party sources and the commit hashes used in the grpc release. # # Note that we do not treat these additional sources as bundled dependencies, # since (provably) only the .proto files are used. # # In practice, it seems the generated binding code for these protos is not # re-generated when building this package, so we could get by with creating the # appropriate directories and touching an empty file within each. We include # these archives in the source RPM anyway, since they are in some sense part of # the original sources for the generated proto code. # This will probably never be separately packaged in Fedora, since upstream can # only build with Bazel (and Bazel is such a mess of bundled dependencies that # it is unlikely to every be successfully packaged under the Fedora packaging # guidelines. Note that the URL is a read-only mirror based on # https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy, with different commit hashes. %global envoy_api_commit 9d6ffa70677c4dbf23f6ed569676206c4e2edff4 %global envoy_api_url https://github.com/envoyproxy/data-plane-api %global envoy_api_dir data-plane-api-%{envoy_api_commit} %global googleapis_commit 2f9af297c84c55c8b871ba4495e01ade42476c92 %global googleapis_url https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis %global googleapis_dir googleapis-%{googleapis_commit} %global opencensus_proto_version 0.3.0 %global opencensus_proto_url https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto %global opencensus_proto_dir opencensus-proto-%{opencensus_proto_version} %global xds_commit e9ce68804cb4e64cab5a52e3c8baf840d4ff87b7 %global xds_url https://github.com/cncf/xds %global xds_dir xds-%{xds_commit} # ===== # This must be enabled to get grpc_cli, which is apparently considered part of # the tests by upstream. This is mentioned in # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/23432. %bcond core_tests 1 # A great many of these tests (over 20%) fail. Any help in understanding these # well enough to fix them or report them upstream is welcome. %bcond python_aio_tests 0 %ifnarch s390x # There are currently a significant number of failures like: # # Exception serializing message! # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/grpc-1.48.0-2.fc38~bootstrap.x86_64/usr/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/grpc/_common.py", line 86, in _transform # return transformer(message) # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/python_message.py", line 1082, in SerializeToString # if not self.IsInitialized(): # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'IsInitialized' %bcond python_gevent_tests 0 %else # A significant number of Python tests pass in test_lite but fail in # test_gevent, mostly by dumping core without a traceback. Since it is tedious # to enumerate these (and it is difficult to implement “suite-specific” skips # for shared tests, so the tests would have to be skipped in all suites), we # just skip the gevent suite entirely on this architecture. %bcond python_gevent_tests 0 %endif # Running core tests under valgrind may help debug crashes. This is mostly # ignored if the gdb build conditional is also set. %bcond valgrind 0 # Running core tests under gdb may help debug crashes. %bcond gdb 0 # HTML documentation generated with Doxygen and/or Sphinx is not suitable for # packaging due to a minified JavaScript bundle inserted by # Doxygen/Sphinx/Sphinx themes itself. See discussion at # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2006555. # # Normally we could consider enabling the Doxygen PDF documentation as a lesser # substitute, but (after enabling it and working around some Unicode characters # in the Markdown input) we get: # # ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=6000000]. # # A similar situation applies to the Sphinx-generated HTML documentation for # Python, except that we have not even tried to render it as a PDF because it # is too unpleasant to try if we already cannot package the Doxygen-generated # documentation. Instead, we have just dropped all documentation. Name: grpc Version: 1.60.0 Release: %autorelease Summary: High performance, open source universal RPC framework %global srcversion %(echo '%{version}' | sed -r 's/~rc/-pre/') %global pyversion %(echo '%{version}' | tr -d '~') # CMakeLists.txt: gRPC_CORE_SOVERSION %global c_so_version 37 # CMakeLists.txt: gRPC_CPP_SOVERSION # See https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/950#issuecomment-843169602 # regarding unusual C++ SOVERSION style (not a single number). %global cpp_so_version 1.60 # The entire source is Apache-2.0 except the following: # # BSD-2-Clause: # - third_party/xxhash is BSD-2-Clause, at least the relevant parts (not the # command-line tool); it is unbundled, but then it is used as a header-only # library due to XXH_INCLUDE_ALL, so we must treat it as a static library # and include its license in that of the binary RPMs # * Potentially linked into any compiled subpackage (but not pure-Python # subpackages, etc.) # BSD-3-Clause: # - third_party/upb/, except third_party/upb/third_party/lunit/ # * Potentially linked into any compiled subpackage (but not pure-Python # subpackages, etc.) # - third_party/address_sorting/ # * Potentially linked into any compiled subpackage (but not pure-Python # subpackages, etc.) # MIT: # - third_party/utf8_range # * Potentially linked into any compiled subpackage (but not pure-Python # subpackages, etc.) # # as well as the following which do not contribute to the base License field or # any subpackage License field for the reasons noted: # # MPL-2.0: # - etc/roots.pem # * Truncated to an empty file in prep; a symlink to the shared system # certificates is used instead # - src/android/test/interop/app/src/main/assets/roots.pem # * Truncated to an empty file in prep # ISC: # - src/boringssl/boringssl_prefix_symbols.h # * Removed in prep; not used when building with system OpenSSL # BSD-3-Clause: # - src/objective-c/*.podspec and # templates/src/objective-c/*.podspec.template # * Unused since the Objective-C bindings are not currently built; # furthermore, these seem to be build-system files that would not # contribute their licenses to the binary RPM contents anyway # NTP: # - third_party/cares/ares_build.h # * Removed in prep; header from system C-Ares used instead # MIT: # - third_party/upb/third_party/lunit/ # * Removed in prep, since there is no obvious way to run the upb tests License: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT URL: https://www.grpc.io %global forgeurl https://github.com/grpc/grpc/ Source0: %{forgeurl}/archive/v%{srcversion}/grpc-%{srcversion}.tar.gz Source1: %{gtest_url}/archive/%{gtest_commit}/%{gtest_dir}.tar.gz #Source1: #{gtest_url}/archive/release-#{gtest_version}/#{gtest_dir}.tar.gz Source2: %{envoy_api_url}/archive/%{envoy_api_commit}/%{envoy_api_dir}.tar.gz Source3: %{googleapis_url}/archive/%{googleapis_commit}/%{googleapis_dir}.tar.gz Source4: %{opencensus_proto_url}/archive/v%{opencensus_proto_version}/%{opencensus_proto_dir}.tar.gz Source5: %{xds_url}/archive/%{xds_commit}/%{xds_dir}.tar.gz # Downstream grpc_cli man pages; hand-written based on “grpc_cli help” output. Source100: grpc_cli.1 Source101: grpc_cli-ls.1 Source102: grpc_cli-call.1 Source103: grpc_cli-type.1 Source104: grpc_cli-parse.1 Source105: grpc_cli-totext.1 Source106: grpc_cli-tojson.1 Source107: grpc_cli-tobinary.1 Source108: grpc_cli-help.1 # ~~~~ C (core) and C++ (cpp) ~~~~ BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: ninja-build %if %{with core_tests} # Used on grpc_cli: BuildRequires: chrpath %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: cmake(gflags) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(protobuf) BuildRequires: protobuf-compiler BuildRequires: pkgconfig(protobuf-lite) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(re2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: cmake(c-ares) BuildRequires: abseil-cpp-devel # Sets XXH_INCLUDE_ALL, which means xxhash is used as a header-only library BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxxhash) BuildRequires: xxhash-static BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd) %if %{with core_tests} BuildRequires: cmake(benchmark) %if %{with system_gtest} BuildRequires: cmake(gtest) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gmock) %endif %if %{with valgrind} BuildRequires: valgrind %endif %if %{with gdb} BuildRequires: gdb %endif %endif # ~~~~ Python ~~~~ BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3dist(setuptools) # grpcio (setup.py) setup_requires (with # GRPC_PYTHON_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION_BUILD, which is NOT enabled): # BuildRequires: python3dist(sphinx) # grpcio (setup.py) setup_requires (with # GRPC_PYTHON_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION_BUILD, which is NOT enabled): # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(six) >= 1.10 # grpcio (setup.py) install_requires also has: # six>=1.5.2 # grpcio (setup.py) setup_requires (with GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_WITH_CYTHON, or # absent generated sources); also needed for grpcio_tools # (tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/setup.py) BuildRequires: python3dist(cython) > 0.23 # grpcio_channelz (src/python/grpcio_channelz/setup.py) install_requires: # grpcio_health_checking (src/python/grpcio_health_checking/setup.py) # install_requires: # grpcio_reflection (src/python/grpcio_reflection/setup.py) install_requires: # grpcio_status (src/python/grpcio_status/setup.py) install_requires: # grpcio_testing (src/python/grpcio_testing/setup.py) install_requires: # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: # * This technically has protobuf>=4.21.6rc1,!=4.22.0.* # grpcio_tools (tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(protobuf) >= 4.21.6 # grpcio_status (src/python/grpcio_status/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) >= 1.5.5 # Several packages have dependencies on grpcio or grpcio_tools—and grpcio-tests # depends on all of the other Python packages—which are satisfied within this # package. # # Similarly, grpcio_admin depends on grpcio_channelz and grpcio_csds (but we do # not package either grpcio_admin or grpc_csds because they depend on the # problematic xds-protos; see the note above the corresponding Obsoletes later # in this spec file). # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(coverage) >= 4.0 # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(oauth2client) >= 1.4.7 # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(google-auth) >= 1.17.2 # grpcio_tests (src/python/grpcio_tests/setup.py) install_requires: BuildRequires: python3dist(requests) >= 2.14.2 # dns_server.py imports BuildRequires: python3dist(twisted) BuildRequires: python3dist(service-identity) BuildRequires: python3dist(pyyaml) %if %{with python_gevent_tests} # Required for “test_gevent” tests: BuildRequires: python3dist(gevent) %endif # For stopping the port server BuildRequires: curl # ~~~~ Miscellaneous ~~~~ # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1893533 %global _lto_cflags %{nil} # Reference documentation, which is *not* enabled # BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: ca-certificates # For converting absolute symlinks in the buildroot to relative ones BuildRequires: symlinks # For hardlinking duplicate files in the examples BuildRequires: hardlink # Apply Fedora system crypto policies. Since this is Fedora-specific, the patch # is not suitable for upstream. # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/CryptoPolicies/#_cc_applications # # In fact, this may not be needed, since only testing code is patched. Patch: grpc-1.56.1-Use-the-system-OpenSSL-profile.patch # Fix errors like: # TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type # It is not clear why these occur. # Patch: grpc-1.36.4-python-grpcio_tests-fixture-super.patch # Skip tests requiring non-loopback network access when the # FEDORA_NO_NETWORK_TESTS environment variable is set. Patch: grpc-1.40.0-python-grpcio_tests-make-network-tests-skippable.patch # A handful of compression tests miss the compression ratio threshold. It seems # to be inconsistent which particular combinations fail in a particular test # run. It is not clear that this is a real problem. Any help in understanding # the actual cause well enough to fix this or usefully report it upstream is # welcome. Patch: grpc-1.60.0-python-grpcio_tests-skip-compression-tests.patch # The upstream requirement to link gtest/gmock from grpc_cli is spurious. # Remove it. We still have to build the core tests and link a test library # (libgrpc++_test_config.so…) # Patch: grpc-1.56.1-Do-not-link-gtest-gmock-from-grpc_cli.patch # Fix confusion about path to python_wrapper.sh in httpcli/httpscli tests. I # suppose that the unpatched code must be correct for how upstream runs the # tests, somehow. Patch: grpc-1.45.0-python_wrapper-path.patch # Skip failing ChannelzServicerTest tests on Python 3.11 # # Partially works around: # # grpc fails to build with Python 3.11: AttributeError: module 'inspect' has no # attribute 'getargspec' # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2095027 # # TODO: Attempt to reproduce this outside the RPM build environment and submit # a useful/actionable upstream bug report. Patch: grpc-1.60.0-ChannelzServicerTest-python3.11-regressions.patch # Running Python “test_lite”, in grpcio_tests, # unit._dynamic_stubs_test.DynamicStubTest.test_grpc_tools_unimportable hangs. # This may be related to: # [FLAKE] DynamicStubTest timeout under gevent macOS # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/25368 # The patch simply skips the test. Patch: grpc-1.60.0-Skip-hanging-DynamicStubTest.patch # [Python] Specify noexcept for cdef functions (#34242) # # This is needed to build grpc with Cython 3. # # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/33918#issuecomment-1703386656 # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/33918#issuecomment-1788823585 # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/34242 Patch: 0001-Specify-noexcept-for-cdef-functions.patch # [Python] Do not call PyEval_InitThreads # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/34857 # Patch: %%{forgeurl}/pull/34857.patch # Use system gtest Patch: grpc-1.60.0-system-gtest.patch # Fix RbacServiceConfigParsingTest.BadActionAndPolicyType test # so that it uses the latest output string for its testing Patch: grpc-1.60.0-fix-test-string-RbacServiceConfigParsingTest.BadActionAndPolicyType.patch Requires: grpc-data = %{version}-%{release} # Upstream https://github.com/protocolbuffers/upb does not support building # with anything other than Bazel, and Bazel is not likely to make it into # Fedora anytime soon due to its nightmarish collection of dependencies. # Monitor this at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1470842. # Therefore upb cannot be packaged for Fedora, and we must use the bundled # copy. # # Note that upstream has never chosen a version, and it is not clear from which # commit the bundled copy was taken or forked. # # Note also that libupb is installed in the system-wide linker path, which will # be a problem if upb is ever packaged separately. We will cross that bridge if # we get there. # # According to https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/32914, this is upb 23.0. %global upb_version 23.0 Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} # The bundled upb itself bundles https://github.com/cyb70289/utf8; we follow # upstream in styling this as “utf8_range”. It cannot reasonably be unbundled # because the original code is not structured for distribution as a library (it # does not even include header files). It is not clear which upstream commit # was used. Provides: bundled(utf8_range) # Regarding third_party/address_sorting: this looks a bit like a bundled # library, but it is not. From a source file comment: # This is an adaptation of Android's implementation of RFC 6724 (in Android’s # getaddrinfo.c). It has some cosmetic differences from Android’s # getaddrinfo.c, but Android’s getaddrinfo.c was used as a guide or example # of a way to implement the RFC 6724 spec when this was written. %global common_description %{expand: gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.} %description %{common_description} This package provides the shared C core library. %package data Summary: Data for gRPC bindings License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch Requires: ca-certificates %description data %{common_description} This package provides common data for gRPC bindings: currently, this contains only a symbolic link to the system shared TLS certificates. %package doc Summary: Documentation and examples for gRPC License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch Obsoletes: python-grpcio-doc < 1.26.0-13 Provides: python-grpcio-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-admin-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-csds-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-channelz-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-health-checking-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-reflection-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-status-doc = %{version}-%{release} Provides: python-grpcio-testing-doc = %{version}-%{release} %description doc %{common_description} This package provides examples and documentation sources (but not rendered documentation) for gRPC. For rendered HTML documentation, please see https://grpc.io/docs/. %package cpp Summary: C++ language bindings for gRPC # License: same as base package Requires: grpc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: grpc-cpp%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} Provides: bundled(utf8_range) %description cpp %{common_description} This package provides C++ language bindings for gRPC. %package plugins Summary: Protocol buffers compiler plugins for gRPC # License: same as base package Requires: grpc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: grpc-cpp%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: protobuf-compiler Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} Provides: bundled(utf8_range) %description plugins %{common_description} This package provides plugins to the protocol buffers compiler to generate gRPC sources. %package cli Summary: Command-line tool for gRPC # License: same as base package Requires: grpc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: grpc-cpp%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} Provides: bundled(utf8_range) %description cli %{common_description} The command line tool can do the following things: • Send unary rpc. • Attach metadata and display received metadata. • Handle common authentication to server. • Infer request/response types from server reflection result. • Find the request/response types from a given proto file. • Read proto request in text form. • Read request in wire form (for protobuf messages, this means serialized binary form). • Display proto response in text form. • Write response in wire form to a file. %package devel Summary: Development files for gRPC library # License: same as base package Requires: grpc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: grpc-cpp%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: grpc-plugins%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} # grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h includes linux/version.h Requires: kernel-headers%{?_isa} # grpcpp/impl/codegen/config_protobuf.h includes google/protobuf/… Requires: pkgconfig(protobuf) # grpcpp/test/mock_stream.h includes gmock/gmock.h Requires: pkgconfig(gmock) # grpcpp/impl/codegen/sync.h includes absl/synchronization/mutex.h # grpc.pc has -labsl_[…] Requires: abseil-cpp-devel%{?_isa} # grpc.pc has -lre2 Requires: pkgconfig(re2) # grpc.pc has -lcares Requires: cmake(c-ares) # grpc.pc has -lz Requires: pkgconfig(zlib) %description devel %{common_description} This package provides development headers and files for gRPC libraries (both C and C++). %package -n python3-grpcio Summary: Python language bindings for gRPC # License: same as base package # Note that the Python package has no runtime dependency on the base C library; # everything it needs is linked statically. It is not practical to change this, # and since they both come from the same source RPM, we do not need to attempt # to do so. Requires: grpc-data = %{version}-%{release} Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} Provides: bundled(utf8_range) # We no longer package these because they require python3dist(xds-protos), # which has some issues: # - It provides files that overlap with several other packages, including # python-googleapis-common-protos, python-opencensus-proto, and # python-opentelemetry # - The PyPI release is not updated regularly, and version skew only makes # the above-mentioned problem of overlapping files worse. # - The “validate” package conflicts with one belonging to python-configobj # (in F38+), and it is the latter package that owns # https://pypi.org/project/validate/. Obsoletes: python3-grpcio-admin < 1.48.4-7 Obsoletes: python3-grpcio-csds < 1.48.4-7 # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc %description -n python3-grpcio %{common_description} This package provides Python language bindings for gRPC (HTTP/2-based RPC framework). %global grpcio_egg %{python3_sitearch}/grpcio-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info %{?python_extras_subpkg:%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-grpcio -i %{grpcio_egg} protobuf} %package -n python3-grpcio-tools Summary: Package for gRPC Python tools # License: same as base package Provides: bundled(upb) = %{upb_version} Provides: bundled(utf8_range) # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-tools %description -n python3-grpcio-tools %{common_description} This package provides gRPC Python tools. %package -n python3-grpcio-channelz Summary: Channel Level Live Debug Information Service for gRPC License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-channelz %description -n python3-grpcio-channelz %{common_description} Channelz is a live debug tool in gRPC Python. %package -n python3-grpcio-health-checking Summary: Standard Health Checking Service for gRPC License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-health %description -n python3-grpcio-health-checking %{common_description} This is the reference package for gRPC Python health checking. %package -n python3-grpcio-reflection Summary: Standard Protobuf Reflection Service for gRPC License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-reflection %description -n python3-grpcio-reflection %{common_description} This is the reference package for reflection in gRPC Python. %package -n python3-grpcio-status Summary: Status proto mapping for gRPC License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-status %description -n python3-grpcio-status %{common_description} This is the reference package for gRPC Python status proto mapping. %package -n python3-grpcio-testing Summary: Testing utilities for gRPC Python License: Apache-2.0 BuildArch: noarch # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules %py_provides python3-grpc-testing %description -n python3-grpcio-testing %{common_description} This package provides testing utilities for gRPC Python. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n grpc-%{srcversion} cp -p third_party/utf8_range/LICENSE LICENSE-utf8_range echo '===== Patching grpcio_tools for system protobuf/abseil-cpp =====' 2>&1 # Build python3-grpcio_tools against system protobuf packages instead of # expecting a git submodule. Must also add requisite linker flags using # GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS. This was formerly done by # grpc-VERSION-python-grpcio_tools-use-system-protobuf.patch, but it had to be # tediously but trivially rebased every patch release as the CC_FILES list # changed, so we automated the patch. cat >> 'tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/protoc_lib_deps.py' <<'EOF' # Downstream patch: override or modify values so that we do not depend on # bundled files for system libraries. del PROTOBUF_SUBMODULE_VERSION PROTO_INCLUDE="%{_includedir}" _unbundle_libs = {"abseil-cpp", "protobuf"} _unbundle_prefixes = {f"third_party/{lib}" for lib in _unbundle_libs} def _ok_prefix(path): return not any(map(path.startswith, _unbundle_prefixes)) CC_FILES = list(filter(_ok_prefix, CC_FILES)) CC_INCLUDES = list(filter(_ok_prefix, CC_INCLUDES)) EOF echo '===== Preparing gtest/gmock =====' 2>&1 %if %{without system_gtest} # Copy in the needed gtest/gmock implementations. %setup -q -T -D -b 1 -n grpc-%{srcversion} rm -rvf 'third_party/googletest' mv '../%{gtest_dir}' 'third_party/googletest' %else %if 0 # Patch CMakeLists for external gtest/gmock. # # 1. Create dummy sources, adding a typedef so the translation unit is not # empty, rather than removing references to these sources from # CMakeLists.txt. This is so that we do not end up with executables with no # sources, only libraries, which is a CMake error. # 2. Either remove references to the corresponding include directories, or # create the directories and leave them empty. # 3. “Stuff” the external library into the target_link_libraries() for each # test by noting that GMock/GTest/GFlags are always used together. for gwhat in test mock do mkdir -p "third_party/googletest/google${gwhat}/src" \ "third_party/googletest/google${gwhat}/include" echo "typedef int dummy_${gwhat}_type;" \ > "third_party/googletest/google${gwhat}/src/g${gwhat}-all.cc" done sed -r -i 's/^([[:blank:]]*)(\$\{_gRPC_GFLAGS_LIBRARIES\})/'\ '\1\2\n\1gtest\n\1gmock/' CMakeLists.txt %endif %endif # Extract the source tarballs needed for their .proto files, which upstream # expects to download at build time. %setup -q -T -D -b 2 -n grpc-%{srcversion} %setup -q -T -D -b 3 -n grpc-%{srcversion} %setup -q -T -D -b 4 -n grpc-%{srcversion} %setup -q -T -D -b 5 -n grpc-%{srcversion} { awk '$1 ~ /^(#|$)/ { next }; 1' <<'EOF' ../%{envoy_api_dir}/ third_party/envoy-api/ ../%{googleapis_dir}/ third_party/googleapis/ ../%{opencensus_proto_dir}/ third_party/opencensus-proto/ ../%{xds_dir}/ third_party/xds/ EOF } | while read -r fromdir todir do # Remove everything from the external source tree except the .proto files, to # prove that none of it is bundled. find "${fromdir}" -type f ! -name '*.proto' -print -delete # Remove the empty directory corresponding to the git submodule rm -rvf "${todir}" # Move the extracted source, to the location where the git submodule would be # in a git checkout that included it. mv "${fromdir}" "${todir}" done echo '===== Removing bundled xxhash =====' 2>&1 # Remove bundled xxhash rm -rvf third_party/xxhash # Since grpc sets XXH_INCLUDE_ALL wherever it uses xxhash, it is using xxhash # as a header-only library. This means we can replace it with the system copy # by doing nothing further; xxhash.h is in the system include path and will be # found instead, and there are no linker flags to add. See also # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/25945. echo '===== Fixing permissions =====' 2>&1 # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/27069 find . -type f -perm /0111 \ -exec gawk '!/^#!/ { print FILENAME }; { nextfile }' '{}' '+' | xargs -r chmod -v a-x echo '===== Removing selected unused sources =====' 2>&1 # Remove unused sources that have licenses not in the License field, to ensure # they are not accidentally used in the build. See the comment above the base # package License field for more details. rm -rfv \ src/boringssl/boringssl_prefix_symbols.h \ third_party/cares/ares_build.h \ third_party/upb/third_party/lunit # Since we are replacing roots.pem with a symlink to the shared system # certificates, we do not include its license (MPLv2.0) in any License field. # We remove its contents so that, if we make a packaging mistake, we will have # a bug but not an incorrect License field. echo '' > etc/roots.pem # Remove Android sources and examples. We do not need these on Linux, and they # have some issues that will be flagged when reviewing the package, such as: # - Another copy of the MPLv2.0-licensed certificate bundle from # etc/roots.pem, in src/android/test/interop/app/src/main/assets/roots.pem # - Pre-built jar files at # src/android/test/interop/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar and # examples/android/helloworld/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar rm -rvf examples/android src/android # Drop the NodeJS example’s package-lock.json file, which will hopefully keep # us from having bugs filed due to CVE’s in its (unpackaged) recursive # dependencies. rm -vf examples/node/package-lock.json # Remove unwanted .gitignore files, generally in examples. One could argue that # a sample .gitignore file is part of the example, but, well, we’re not going # to do that. find . -type f -name .gitignore -print -delete echo '===== Fixing shebangs =====' 2>&1 # Find executables with /usr/bin/env shebangs in the examples, and fix them. find . -type f -perm /0111 -exec gawk \ '/^#!\/usr\/bin\/env[[:blank:]]/ { print FILENAME }; { nextfile }' \ '{}' '+' | xargs -r sed -r -i '1{s|^(#!/usr/bin/)env[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]+)|\1\2|}' echo '===== Fixing hard-coded C++ standard =====' 2>&1 # We need to adjust the C++ standard to avoid abseil-related linker errors. For # the main C++ build, we can use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. For extensions, examples, # etc., we must patch. sed -r -i 's/(std=c\+\+)14/\1%{cpp_std}/g' \ setup.py grpc.gyp Rakefile \ examples/cpp/*/Makefile \ examples/cpp/*/CMakeLists.txt \ tools/run_tests/artifacts/artifact_targets.py \ tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/setup.py # Fix: # cc1plus: fatal error: third_party/utf8_range/utf8_validity.cc: No such file # or directory # This is new from 1.48.4 to 1.56.1, and it might be an upstream build system # bug, but we have to build the package so differently from upstream, and the # build system is so messy with so much indirection, that it’s hard to track # down exactly what we should report or how it should be fixed properly. For # now, we just work around it with a symlink. ln -s ../../../../third_party/ tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/third_party echo '===== Adding any neccessary Python test skips =====' 2>&1 # This appears to be merely a representation discrepancy. We haven’t been able # to track it down to a particular change (e.g. dependency version update). It # appears in F38 as well, if the necessary abseil-cpp and protobuf packages are # built. Since we don’t understand this well enough to report it upstream # usefully, we just skip it downstream for now. Assistance welcome. # # Sample difference: # # - ' "channelz._channelz_servicer_test.ChannelzServicerTest",\n' # ? ^^^ ^ --- # + 'tests.channelz._channelz_servicer_test.ChannelzServicerTest', # ? ^^^^^^ ^ from='^([[:blank:]]+)(def testTestsJsonUpToDate\()' skip='@unittest.skip("JSON representations differ; cause not ascertained")' sed -r -i "s/${from}/\\1${skip}\\n\\1\\2/" \ src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/_sanity/_sanity_test.py %build # ~~~~ C (core) and C++ (cpp) ~~~~ # Length of the prefix (e.g. /usr), plus a trailing slash (or newline), plus # one, to get the index of the first relative path character after the prefix. # This is needed because gRPC_INSTALL_*DIR options expect paths relative to the # prefix, and supplying absolute paths causes certain subtle problems. %global rmprefix %(echo $(($(wc -c <<<'%{_prefix}')+1))) echo '===== Building C (core) and C++ components =====' 2>&1 # We could use either make or ninja as the backend; ninja is faster and has no # disadvantages (except a small additional BR, given we already need Python) # # We need to adjust the C++ standard to avoid abseil-related linker errors. %cmake \ -DgRPC_INSTALL:BOOL=ON \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:STRING=%{cpp_std} \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_INSTALL_BINDIR:PATH=%(cut -b %{rmprefix}- <<<'%{_bindir}') \ -DgRPC_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=%(cut -b %{rmprefix}- <<<'%{_libdir}') \ -DgRPC_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR:PATH=%(cut -b %{rmprefix}- <<<'%{_includedir}') \ -DgRPC_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR:PATH=%(cut -b %{rmprefix}- <<<'%{_libdir}/cmake/grpc') \ -DgRPC_INSTALL_SHAREDIR:PATH=%(cut -b %{rmprefix}- <<<'%{_datadir}/grpc') \ -DgRPC_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=%{?with_core_tests:ON}%{?!with_core_tests:OFF} \ -DgRPC_BUILD_CODEGEN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_CSHARP_EXT:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE:BOOL=OFF \ -DgRPC_ZLIB_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_CARES_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_RE2_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_SSL_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_PROTOBUF_PACKAGE_TYPE:STRING='MODULE' \ -DgRPC_BENCHMARK_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_ABSL_PROVIDER:STRING='package' \ -DgRPC_USE_PROTO_LITE:BOOL=OFF \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_CPP_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_CSHARP_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_NODE_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_OBJECTIVE_C_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_PHP_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_PYTHON_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ -DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_RUBY_PLUGIN:BOOL=ON \ %if %{with system_gtest} -DgRPC_USE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLETEST:BOOL=ON \ %endif -GNinja %cmake_build # ~~~~ Python ~~~~ echo '===== Building Python grpcio package =====' 2>&1 # Since there are some interdependencies in the Python packages (e.g., many # have setup_requires: grpcio-tools), we do temporary installs of built # packages into a local directory as needed, and add it to the PYTHONPATH. PYROOT="${PWD}/%{_vpath_builddir}/pyroot" if [ -n "${PYTHONPATH-}" ]; then PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:"; fi PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH-}${PYROOT}%{python3_sitelib}" PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${PYROOT}%{python3_sitearch}" export PYTHONPATH # ~~ grpcio ~~ export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_WITH_CYTHON='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ZLIB='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_CARES='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_RE2='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ABSL='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_DISABLE_LIBC_COMPATIBILITY='True' export GRPC_PYTHON_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION_BUILD='False' # Use the upstream defaults for GRPC_PYTHON_CFLAGS adn GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS, # except: # # - Add any flags necessary for using the system protobuf library. # - Drop -lpthread and -lrt, since these are not needed on glibc 2.34 and # later. # - Do not link libgcc statically (-static-libgcc). # # See also: # https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2021/12/17/why-glibc-234-removed-libpthread export GRPC_PYTHON_CFLAGS="$( pkg-config --cflags protobuf ) -std=c++%{cpp_std} -fvisibility=hidden -fno-wrapv -fno-exceptions" export GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs protobuf)" %py3_build %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install \ -O1 --skip-build --root "${PYROOT}" --prefix %{_prefix} # ~~ grpcio-tools ~~ echo '===== Building Python grpcio_tools package =====' 2>&1 pushd "tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/" >/dev/null # When copying more things in here, make sure the subpackage License field # stays correct. We need copies, not symlinks, so that the “graft” in # MANIFEST.in works. mkdir -p grpc_root/src for srcdir in compiler do cp -rp "../../../../src/${srcdir}" "grpc_root/src/" done cp -rp '../../../../include' 'grpc_root/' # We must set GRPC_PYTHON_CFLAGS and GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS again; grpcio_tools # does not have the same default upstream flags as grpcio does, and it needs to # link the protobuf compiler library. export GRPC_PYTHON_CFLAGS="-fno-wrapv -frtti $(pkg-config --cflags protobuf)" export GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs protobuf) -lprotoc" %py3_build # Remove unwanted shebang from grpc_tools.protoc source file, which will be # installed without an executable bit: find . -type f -name protoc.py -execdir sed -r -i '1{/^#!/d}' '{}' '+' %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install \ -O1 --skip-build --root "${PYROOT}" --prefix %{_prefix} popd >/dev/null # ~~ xds_protos ~~ echo '===== Building Python xds_protos package =====' 2>&1 pushd "tools/distrib/python/xds_protos" >/dev/null %py3_build %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install \ -O1 --skip-build --root "${PYROOT}" --prefix %{_prefix} popd >/dev/null echo '===== Building pure-Python packages =====' 1>&2 for suffix in channelz health_checking reflection status testing tests do echo "----> grpcio_${suffix} <----" 1>&2 pushd "src/python/grpcio_${suffix}/" >/dev/null if ! echo "${suffix}" | grep -E "^(admin|csds)$" >/dev/null then %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} preprocess fi if ! echo "${suffix}" | grep -E "^(admin|csds|testing)$" >/dev/null then %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} build_package_protos fi %py3_build %{__python3} %{py_setup} %{?py_setup_args} install \ -O1 --skip-build --root "${PYROOT}" --prefix %{_prefix} popd >/dev/null done %install # ~~~~ C (core) and C++ (cpp) ~~~~ %cmake_install %if %{with core_tests} # For some reason, grpc_cli is not installed. Do it manually. install -t '%{buildroot}%{_bindir}' -p -D '%{_vpath_builddir}/grpc_cli' # grpc_cli build does not respect CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/25176 chrpath --delete '%{buildroot}%{_bindir}/grpc_cli' # This library is also required for grpc_cli; it is built as part of the test # code. install -t '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}' -p \ '%{_vpath_builddir}/libgrpc++_test_config.so.%{cpp_so_version}' chrpath --delete \ '%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libgrpc++_test_config.so.%{cpp_so_version}' install -d '%{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1' install -t '%{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1' -p -m 0644 \ %{SOURCE100} %{SOURCE101} %{SOURCE102} %{SOURCE103} %{SOURCE104} \ %{SOURCE106} %{SOURCE107} %{SOURCE108} %endif # Remove any static libraries that may have been installed against our wishes find %{buildroot} -type f -name '*.a' -print -delete # Fix wrong permissions on installed headers find %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/grpc* -type f -name '*.h' -perm /0111 \ -execdir chmod -v a-x '{}' '+' # ~~~~ Python ~~~~ # Since several packages have an install_requires: grpcio-tools, we must ensure # the buildroot Python site-packages directories are in the PYTHONPATH. pushd '%{buildroot}' PYROOT="${PWD}" popd if [ -n "${PYTHONPATH-}" ]; then PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:"; fi PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH-}${PYROOT}%{python3_sitelib}" PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${PYROOT}%{python3_sitearch}" export PYTHONPATH # ~~ grpcio ~~ %py3_install # ~~ grpcio-tools ~~ pushd "tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/" >/dev/null %py3_install popd >/dev/null # ~~ pure-python modules grpcio-* ~~ for suffix in channelz health_checking reflection status testing do pushd "src/python/grpcio_${suffix}/" >/dev/null %py3_install popd >/dev/null done # The grpcio_tests package should not be installed; it would provide top-level # packages with generic names like “tests” or “tests_aio”. # ~~~~ Miscellaneous ~~~~ # Replace copies of the certificate bundle with symlinks to the shared system # certificates. This has the following benefits: # - Reduces duplication and save space # - Respects system-wide administrative trust configuration # - Keeps “MPLv2.0” from having to be added to a number of License fields %global sysbundle /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem # We do not own this file; we temporarily install it in the buildroot so we do # not have dangling symlinks. install -D -t "%{buildroot}$(dirname '%{sysbundle}')" -m 0644 '%{sysbundle}' find '%{buildroot}' -type f -name 'roots.pem' | while read -r fn do ln -s -f "%{buildroot}%{sysbundle}" "${fn}" symlinks -c -o "${fn}" done rm -rvf "%{buildroot}$(dirname '%{sysbundle}')" # ~~ documentation and examples ~~ install -D -t '%{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}' -m 0644 -p \ AUTHORS \ CONCEPTS.md \ MAINTAINERS.md \ README.md \ SECURITY.md \ TROUBLESHOOTING.md cp -rvp doc examples '%{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}' # Hardlink duplicate files in the examples hardlink -v '%{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/examples/' %check %ifarch %{ix86} cat <<'EOF' Since the following changes are accepted for F37: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RetireARMv7 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval …we still build for i686 since this is not a leaf packages, but skip tests so we do not have to keep track of 32-bit-specific issues. EOF %else export FEDORA_NO_NETWORK_TESTS=1 %if %{with core_tests} PORT_SERVER_PORT="$(awk ' /_PORT_SERVER_PORT[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[[:digit:]]+$/ { print $NF } ' tools/run_tests/python_utils/start_port_server.py)" # Note that no tests are actually found by ctest: %ctest # Exclude tests that are known to hang or otherwise fail. Assistance welcome in # figuring out what is wrong with these. Note, however, that we are running # the tests very differently from upstream, which uses scripts in # tools/run_tests/ that rebuild the entire source and use Docker, so it is # likely to be difficult to get help from upstream for any failures here. Note # that some of these tests would never work in an environment without Internet # access. { sed -r -e '/^(#|$)/d' -e 's|^(.*)$|%{_vpath_builddir}/\1_test|' <<'EOF' # Requires (or may require) network: resolve_address_using_ares_resolver resolve_address_using_ares_resolver_posix resolve_address_using_native_resolver resolve_address_using_native_resolver_posix ssl_transport_security # Seems to require privilege: flaky_network # No idea why this one is failing, but it definitely is everywhere. no_logging %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] AddressSortingTest.TestSorterKnowsIpv6LoopbackIsAvailable # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/naming/address_sorting_test.cc:827: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # source_addr_output->sin6_family # Which is: 0 # 10 # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/naming/address_sorting_test.cc:837: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # source_addr_str # Which is: "::" # "::1" # [ FAILED ] AddressSortingTest.TestSorterKnowsIpv6LoopbackIsAvailable (1 ms) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-13, possibly flaky address_sorting %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # Status is not ok: Setting authenticated associated data failed # E0912 22:53:27.561134727 29675 aes_gcm_test.cc:77] assertion failed: status == GRPC_STATUS_OK # *** SIGABRT received at time=1663023207 on cpu 1 *** # PC: @ 0x3ffb381cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ffb3702560 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb3702802 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb44fe490 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb381cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ffb37c9d20 (unknown) gsignal # @ 0x3ffb37ab364 (unknown) abort # @ 0x2aa26304a28 (unknown) gsec_assert_ok() # @ 0x2aa26304b54 (unknown) gsec_test_random_encrypt_decrypt() # @ 0x2aa26302536 (unknown) main # @ 0x3ffb37ab618 (unknown) __libc_start_call_main # @ 0x3ffb37ab700 (unknown) __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2 # @ 0x2aa263036f0 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-12 alts_crypt %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # (aborted without output) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-12 alts_crypter %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestBasicClientServerHandshakes # E0912 22:58:34.364900111 29674 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # [… 11 similar lines omitted …] # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_concurrent_connectivity_test.cc:244: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # ev.type # Which is: 1 # GRPC_OP_COMPLETE # Which is: 2 # connect_loop runner:0x3ffc817e2f8 got ev.type:1 i:0 # [ FAILED ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestBasicClientServerHandshakes (5016 ms) # [ RUN ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestConcurrentClientServerHandshakes # E0912 22:58:39.512378993 29762 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # [… 1015 similar lines omitted …] # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_concurrent_connectivity_test.cc:244: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # ev.type # Which is: 1 # GRPC_OP_COMPLETE # Which is: 2 # connect_loop runner:0x2aa1c0a7f40 got ev.type:1 i:0 # [… 28 similar 7-line groups omitted …] # E0912 22:58:54.393525915 30129 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # E0912 22:58:54.393664601 30143 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_concurrent_connectivity_test.cc:244: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # ev.type # Which is: 1 # GRPC_OP_COMPLETE # Which is: 2 # connect_loop runner:0x2aa1c0acbe0 got ev.type:1 i:0 # [… 19 similar 7-line groups omitted …] # E0912 22:58:54.401378896 30129 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # E0912 22:58:54.401549994 30143 alts_grpc_privacy_integrity_record_protocol.cc:107] Failed to unprotect, More bytes written than expected. Frame decryption failed. # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_concurrent_connectivity_test.cc:244: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # ev.type # Which is: 1 # GRPC_OP_COMPLETE # Which is: 2 # connect_loop runner:0x2aa1c0a8650 got ev.type:1 i:0 # [ FAILED ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestConcurrentClientServerHandshakes (15056 ms) # [ RUN ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenPeerEndpointClosesConnectionAfterAccepting # [ OK ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenPeerEndpointClosesConnectionAfterAccepting (3080 ms) # [ RUN ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerClosesConnectionAfterAccepting # E0912 22:58:57.502419569 30351 alts_handshaker_client.cc:223] recv_buffer is nullptr in alts_tsi_handshaker_handle_response() # [… 160 similar lines omitted …] # [ OK ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerClosesConnectionAfterAccepting (1199 ms) # [ RUN ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerHangsAfterAccepting # [ OK ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerHangsAfterAccepting (308 ms) # [----------] 5 tests from AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest (24661 ms total) # [----------] Global test environment tear-down # [==========] 5 tests from 1 test suite ran. (24661 ms total) # [ PASSED ] 3 tests. # [ FAILED ] 2 tests, listed below: # [ FAILED ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestBasicClientServerHandshakes # [ FAILED ] AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest.TestConcurrentClientServerHandshakes # 2 FAILED TESTS # E0912 22:59:08.997892504 29669 test_config.cc:175] Timeout in waiting for gRPC shutdown # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-12 alts_concurrent_connectivity %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # (aborted without output) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-12 alts_frame_protector %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # E0914 15:16:37.948845070 29676 alts_grpc_integrity_only_record_protocol.cc:109] Failed to protect, Setting authenticated associated data failed # E0914 15:16:37.949063396 29676 alts_grpc_record_protocol_test.cc:283] assertion failed: status == TSI_OK # *** SIGABRT received at time=1663168597 on cpu 2 *** # PC: @ 0x3ff8da1cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff8d902560 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8d902802 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8e77e490 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8da1cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff8d9c9d20 (unknown) gsignal # @ 0x3ff8d9ab364 (unknown) abort # @ 0x2aa2f28375e (unknown) random_seal_unseal() # @ 0x2aa2f284008 (unknown) alts_grpc_record_protocol_tests() # @ 0x2aa2f28258c (unknown) main # @ 0x3ff8d9ab618 (unknown) __libc_start_call_main # @ 0x3ff8d9ab700 (unknown) __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2 # @ 0x2aa2f282680 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 alts_grpc_record_protocol %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # (aborted without output) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 alts_iovec_record_protocol %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # E0914 15:23:44.474978044 29723 alts_grpc_integrity_only_record_protocol.cc:109] Failed to protect, Setting authenticated associated data failed # E0914 15:23:44.475141948 29723 alts_zero_copy_grpc_protector_test.cc:186] assertion failed: tsi_zero_copy_grpc_protector_protect( sender, &var->original_sb, &var->protected_sb) == TSI_OK # *** SIGABRT received at time=1663169024 on cpu 0 *** # PC: @ 0x3ff9079cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff90682560 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff90682802 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff914fe490 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff9079cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff90749d20 (unknown) gsignal # @ 0x3ff9072b364 (unknown) abort # @ 0x2aa01c83324 (unknown) seal_unseal_small_buffer() # @ 0x2aa01c83538 (unknown) alts_zero_copy_protector_seal_unseal_small_buffer_tests() # @ 0x2aa01c8254a (unknown) main # @ 0x3ff9072b618 (unknown) __libc_start_call_main # @ 0x3ff9072b700 (unknown) __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2 # @ 0x2aa01c82630 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 alts_zero_copy_grpc_protector %endif %ifarch s390x # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/35350 # Unexplained, except that this is clearly an endianness issue: # # [ RUN ] BufferListTest.TestLongPendingAckForSomeTracedBuffers # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.56.2/test/core/event_engine/posix/traced_buffer_list_test.cc:266: Failure # Expected equality of these values: # (__atomic_load_n((&verifier_called[i]), 2)) # Which is: 4294967296 # static_cast(1) # Which is: 1 # [ FAILED ] BufferListTest.TestLongPendingAckForSomeTracedBuffers (0 ms) # # Confirmed in 1.56.2 2022-09-20 buffer_list %endif # Unexplained, flaky: # # (hangs indefinitely, timeout triggered) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-13 client_ssl %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] CredentialsTest.TestOauth2TokenFetcherCredsParsingEmptyHttpBody # E0907 14:32:31.499040041 70130 oauth2_credentials.cc:177] Call to http server ended with error 401 [{"access_token":"ya29.AHES6ZRN3-HlhAPya30GnW_bHSb_", "expires_in":3599, "token_type":"Bearer"}]. # *** SIGSEGV received at time=1662561151 on cpu 2 *** # PC: @ 0x3ffb434b8c8 (unknown) grpc_oauth2_token_fetcher_credentials_parse_server_response() # @ 0x3ffb3102560 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb3102802 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb467e490 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ffb434b8c8 (unknown) grpc_oauth2_token_fetcher_credentials_parse_server_response() # @ 0x2aa1f82c360 (unknown) grpc_core::(anonymous namespace)::CredentialsTest_TestOauth2TokenFetcherCredsParsingEmptyHttpBody_Test::TestBody() # @ 0x2aa1f890e76 (unknown) testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>() # @ 0x2aa1f87af2a (unknown) testing::Test::Run() # @ 0x2aa1f87b1fe (unknown) testing::TestInfo::Run() # @ 0x2aa1f87b420 (unknown) testing::TestSuite::Run() # @ 0x2aa1f884936 (unknown) testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() # @ 0x2aa1f891406 (unknown) testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<>() # @ 0x2aa1f87b706 (unknown) testing::UnitTest::Run() # @ 0x2aa1f81e96e (unknown) main # @ 0x3ffb31ab618 (unknown) __libc_start_call_main # @ 0x3ffb31ab700 (unknown) __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2 # @ 0x2aa1f823d80 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-07 test_core_security_credentials %endif %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] ExamineStackTest.AbseilStackProvider # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/gprpp/examine_stack_test.cc:75: Failure # Value of: stack_trace->find("GetCurrentStackTrace") != std::string::npos # Actual: false # Expected: true # [ FAILED ] ExamineStackTest.AbseilStackProvider (0 ms) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-13 examine_stack %endif %ifarch s390x # Unexplained: # # E0914 18:50:00.139725989 58193 cq_verifier.cc:228] no event received, but expected:tag(257) GRPC_OP_COMPLETE success=1 /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/end2end/goaway_server_test.cc:271 # tag(769) GRPC_OP_COMPLETE success=1 /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/end2end/goaway_server_test.cc:272 # *** SIGABRT received at time=1663181400 on cpu 0 *** # PC: @ 0x3ff8bf9cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff8be82560 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8be82802 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8cefe490 (unknown) (unknown) # @ 0x3ff8bf9cf2a (unknown) __pthread_kill_implementation # @ 0x3ff8bf49d20 (unknown) gsignal # @ 0x3ff8bf2b364 (unknown) abort # @ 0x2aa21f05a88 (unknown) cq_verify() # @ 0x2aa21f03fc8 (unknown) main # @ 0x3ff8bf2b618 (unknown) __libc_start_call_main # @ 0x3ff8bf2b700 (unknown) __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2 # @ 0x2aa21f04730 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 goaway_server %endif %ifarch aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le s390x # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] GrpcToolTest.CallCommandWithTimeoutDeadlineSet # [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:335] Error parsing text-format grpc.testing.SimpleRequest: 1:7: Message type "grpc.testing.SimpleRequest" has no field named "redhat". # Failed to convert text format to proto. # Failed to parse request. # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc:915: Failure # Value of: 0 == GrpcToolMainLib(ArraySize(argv), argv, TestCliCredentials(), std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream, std::placeholders::_1)) # Actual: false # Expected: true # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc:920: Failure # Value of: nullptr != strstr(output_stream.str().c_str(), "message: \"true\"") # Actual: false # Expected: true # [ FAILED ] GrpcToolTest.CallCommandWithTimeoutDeadlineSet (5 ms) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 grpc_tool %endif %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 # Unexplained: # # [ RUN ] StackTracerTest.Basic # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/core/util/stack_tracer_test.cc:36: Failure # Value of: absl::StrContains(stack_trace, "Basic") # Actual: false # Expected: true # [ FAILED ] StackTracerTest.Basic (0 ms) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 stack_tracer %endif %ifarch aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le # Unexplained: # # This may be flaky and sometimes succeed; this was known to be the case on # ppc64le in older versions. # # [ RUN ] CredentialsTest.TestOauth2TokenFetcherCredsParsingEmptyHttpBody # *** SIGSEGV received at time=1663181447 on cpu 2 *** # PC: @ 0x7fdda4098c3c (unknown) __strlen_evex # @ 0x32 (unknown) (unknown) # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-14 test_core_security_credentials %endif %ifarch aarch64 x86_64 ppc64le s390x # It looks like server_key_log has the right lines, but in an unexpected order. # It is not immediately obvious if this a real problem, or an implementation # quirk. Opinions about whether, or how, to report this upstream are welcome! # # [ RUN ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_false__enable_tls_key_logging_true # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 f7d20427eda7b69db54be3032a3f1f05a0f55d1108defd15e1a2dae211dc00214554caaaac25e541e08a8a49976f2094\rEXPORTER_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 b0b765b3d8df4388fd1232921dfe943923c971886feda8bb55673d91f90be4466d18e47305c6c84348a58d6d1f1d1d2e\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 58fcaf175146ac0efc4e32ed3cd73bb10e35103453ea3bf3ad11296a5902628ba692f4c06269912d94982ea56276dd6b\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 92814e941dd4b724b0eadebdb424c029d2bd4f028cf693f72315752198a9d0ec85a68a3197570f1b7aaa1b1f200c2797\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 3a9d4b7afebad9b50d7b9d71f5f508df54d90303d6beb941c5b1d8d10e19923f3928546bbe7a64c8613d5e715ff030b9\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 f7d20427eda7b69db54be3032a3f1f05a0f55d1108defd15e1a2dae211dc00214554caaaac25e541e08a8a49976f2094\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 92814e941dd4b724b0eadebdb424c029d2bd4f028cf693f72315752198a9d0ec85a68a3197570f1b7aaa1b1f200c2797\rEXPORTER_SECRET eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 b0b765b3d8df4388fd1232921dfe943923c971886feda8bb55673d91f90be4466d18e47305c6c84348a58d6d1f1d1d2e\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 58fcaf175146ac0efc4e32ed3cd73bb10e35103453ea3bf3ad11296a5902628ba692f4c06269912d94982ea56276dd6b\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 eef4f25d9d199eb0df0e2305e6d25339b85921dc6cc074fc8c20dbd6accc0203 3a9d4b7afebad9b50d7b9d71f5f508df54d90303d6beb941c5b1d8d10e19923f3928546bbe7a64c8613d5e715ff030b9\r" # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 dcd6d6638d96fe74db4bf9ac393a4b481a7d611972c21e95da4f971e6295fe60fbce33a8bdb466fe4e2a409e005259b5\rEXPORTER_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 0637c81033fdfe3bed0b3eb3a4ea4c23246641d530fa695672d2e00aef18ebab4b25d6d38fd7a948f6a77fade9297fe7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 987dde02bc0757e3e9b309bf57c228c43243fe5abc2b93fa7bffa400065935d7b4e04fb709609e018fe94c71f5cd283e\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 e4badfe723bd95761bad8be436d3db2af0d4ed724cf0de092a2cad635e4bdead50a428a5e3a566c766ab92f8d2c47468\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 ce55a02ed58902ccf6b70df880d3314a584a686bb751cc168c4a6aa9753312c051000e8fbf01de957f2cdee41563604a\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 dcd6d6638d96fe74db4bf9ac393a4b481a7d611972c21e95da4f971e6295fe60fbce33a8bdb466fe4e2a409e005259b5\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 e4badfe723bd95761bad8be436d3db2af0d4ed724cf0de092a2cad635e4bdead50a428a5e3a566c766ab92f8d2c47468\rEXPORTER_SECRET 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 0637c81033fdfe3bed0b3eb3a4ea4c23246641d530fa695672d2e00aef18ebab4b25d6d38fd7a948f6a77fade9297fe7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 987dde02bc0757e3e9b309bf57c228c43243fe5abc2b93fa7bffa400065935d7b4e04fb709609e018fe94c71f5cd283e\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 0aa0e0df58ebad99c8610573e28cdd0ea6629bc3e4eab31ec45a713e9a789ae6 ce55a02ed58902ccf6b70df880d3314a584a686bb751cc168c4a6aa9753312c051000e8fbf01de957f2cdee41563604a\r" # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 c5fc8018e0d9b3d1af85cc5fff423b8f45087ca07194ff9f3576656111c566e8bef7e3e896b75aa2fd601ad6333f0f26\rEXPORTER_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 84233022a806f7f281cdec34cf2312b8e7101e428a84abf85c03e8478ec846a31d874dda24a7589d44c7d51610a67ea5\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 6463382c0cdf3d2b850419e70bffeb8c6d9bce5db1c112cae4baf2b553fc3d9a7b783ed38c2f45b0e806d5a024aaffab\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 b55c4d1d1e72714014c3505ff3da57bd14490b299c8f6398ef6a3aba03c090c8514dc4e0b8e2e9503e59af82d793b78d\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 b11c752b4e715a8b40d23791c47eace7a59c5e73080b1da04cae557a1881d01c9e3fd191d96747b2926b422c08dc87b1\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 c5fc8018e0d9b3d1af85cc5fff423b8f45087ca07194ff9f3576656111c566e8bef7e3e896b75aa2fd601ad6333f0f26\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 b55c4d1d1e72714014c3505ff3da57bd14490b299c8f6398ef6a3aba03c090c8514dc4e0b8e2e9503e59af82d793b78d\rEXPORTER_SECRET df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 84233022a806f7f281cdec34cf2312b8e7101e428a84abf85c03e8478ec846a31d874dda24a7589d44c7d51610a67ea5\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 6463382c0cdf3d2b850419e70bffeb8c6d9bce5db1c112cae4baf2b553fc3d9a7b783ed38c2f45b0e806d5a024aaffab\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 df2e54c90fc9036eb8a8565733de306f36e60067df4d83772ee8105ff7ddaea7 b11c752b4e715a8b40d23791c47eace7a59c5e73080b1da04cae557a1881d01c9e3fd191d96747b2926b422c08dc87b1\r" # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 5496b13a3e9064741476ab17e308263a9fe55e47d26f136895dc551f4ebd9d90738960e97cd1d78cb5e5326669e7d74d\rEXPORTER_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 59f36680c801582c2c4e8f05ed2f7d838cbecdb741004d1f49377bd268cde3d317c913de38baf5fa701232a3e7c262a7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 0abcaad18e36929489b73a4783d41a4c52f0086923b1476ea3cfed5035ae9377b39ed9b9b51e153267f305b31610482d\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 cc36b79ed8d7986164bd4e3482239b3dabc4348f1ea1d70048ac8d1fd884dbbd0b3afbb33a17018444cba0cd739a136c\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 a84993ee9b9b938f68bfebf1abd703f7c7b776b9170c913c27385d0be9b133374b542bd8769e9272232894a008c45bae\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 5496b13a3e9064741476ab17e308263a9fe55e47d26f136895dc551f4ebd9d90738960e97cd1d78cb5e5326669e7d74d\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 cc36b79ed8d7986164bd4e3482239b3dabc4348f1ea1d70048ac8d1fd884dbbd0b3afbb33a17018444cba0cd739a136c\rEXPORTER_SECRET 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 59f36680c801582c2c4e8f05ed2f7d838cbecdb741004d1f49377bd268cde3d317c913de38baf5fa701232a3e7c262a7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 0abcaad18e36929489b73a4783d41a4c52f0086923b1476ea3cfed5035ae9377b39ed9b9b51e153267f305b31610482d\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 28b08520f2b4f4238e78adf378efc0caea3bbf123767522d950f75da0f0c09b4 a84993ee9b9b938f68bfebf1abd703f7c7b776b9170c913c27385d0be9b133374b542bd8769e9272232894a008c45bae\r" # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 451c0c2e870b4971c2f965d75baa1ca1c5bd417aeb6d9f7fd20a45424505249c87d4b4d6437f2c4fe06e0f4652a68564\rEXPORTER_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 fc31c6fb0afdb466c17e3cee04564f7061a553239d88b0c7a1711de757d37288814e6a27e00dbad87ef610d5460db8bd\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 c00928d08ab817a90a9abb72b8b3caedeb7f575c917bb923635ec9b6023a4dc205275cc60cf891fe5102b4375a4823e9\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 fb6067e497dafcfeb3c8cc5183c64d560d7fd59e012f0def755eb5b54436a9d4f369dd30fc0cad8f629406520edc2116\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 27b3e7b94858f398a8359f332caebd571ed63e8f2c7fec489e9b33d1ed369201b308922b96d15522a75987e6634c61f3\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 451c0c2e870b4971c2f965d75baa1ca1c5bd417aeb6d9f7fd20a45424505249c87d4b4d6437f2c4fe06e0f4652a68564\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 fb6067e497dafcfeb3c8cc5183c64d560d7fd59e012f0def755eb5b54436a9d4f369dd30fc0cad8f629406520edc2116\rEXPORTER_SECRET 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 fc31c6fb0afdb466c17e3cee04564f7061a553239d88b0c7a1711de757d37288814e6a27e00dbad87ef610d5460db8bd\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 c00928d08ab817a90a9abb72b8b3caedeb7f575c917bb923635ec9b6023a4dc205275cc60cf891fe5102b4375a4823e9\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 5b30cc82f1b34055a02ba85fa15f08e909a2d4dfe1a07d43143e3c7df0efa250 27b3e7b94858f398a8359f332caebd571ed63e8f2c7fec489e9b33d1ed369201b308922b96d15522a75987e6634c61f3\r" # [ FAILED ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_false__enable_tls_key_logging_true, where GetParam() = 8-byte object <05-00 00-00 00-01 00-00> (82 ms) # [ RUN ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_true__enable_tls_key_logging_true # /builddir/build/BUILD/grpc-1.48.1/test/cpp/end2end/tls_key_export_test.cc:277: Failure # Value of: server_key_log # Expected: is equal to "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e c46a83cd4156c9f5a3c53a8d673cb888543a535fcacc6e5a0067ccf92afd7104213effe874ff31ea930210caa480cf27\rEXPORTER_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 07b8fce3c826593d7e66527c22ebc710b4ef64f8c2921b9c89f99ebfca4df37d9852dc0f35ffc0b5046c5daee48b35d4\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 672b3ece1a18396aa4645db0617cf4002c6ce8b039a6b522fa3a6788ec1744b3e189304a99906c24cd95298e258b54ad\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 4fc7b8e8577b8ac51e59f13acf73c8a67a15af43f4965dad6ecfd31136cc09a2b518784925e5c0bf6375f23d5e088113\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 20bd3408a8d1f2c779e1895c74b639631d645e1b97cf291964a0fa7b4702ad308213170e7784d47cd411d881d258b9e6\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 521a5a83ce0b115757dddfc068379813eba5ecbca8e0dc6c8211a05b029b13cb6c4acf359697a9c0b02e55bfdcf1fb57\rEXPORTER_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 15c107ae3607293d1a245dada03d96ca3ac0b2e94447ec6bc6d5af695e54960397c431da64c04c702ea226338128067a\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 5956d61b750355c655304d1aca8d723b15a9b29fe18609784e0b6c8d819e53cf45030669b9a51a886f3f18ca4d1b0f73\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 09045680090473c5920facdcc5849fa98b267803d0216257a0c552806073de15a73d3e47bf28374e030ed4de1ffe9be9\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 79f9b1819ccd9b69980c4788cd65f87b0d288835c62890234eb0fc942eede6b74a789ce9767bc3245e6363f18ac58fa6\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 f491b5d8e9c5bf4a38d12966093f8da613766d4c7dc3f557337b08e4f6b1af105527e2e46f19c4bd947b2b1b5fe3e314\rEXPORTER_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 a2467e5c30484d3f7b3ce05be675c2465a237e1b3d772fd2745e9b181a881a8f9aaee8ae4b7980ab8c934a02c58e61a7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 990211d781ad8eb19cc2db122eb3868e737aa6b7143799f4b8f72a7ea672bef0e65ab6630924169c6dd2f59f55846aee\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 612f16033cc1e94849dc3a206247c5760421a94f68f2e9cde33b48e616b591d60be853f27b7537aa8f59ad4aec85e55a\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 2093ffbaa9b85f7cbb4d00653036f3f6986dfaec000b46add51919390b17b49e02ecb34c3be5dc48aa21e218d9d3d70f\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 3ae3754f332170315dd4516cb8f062ac5fae2afa54f6820403d22ddb2397ae30b4aa21140a68162acac270a6a71d9f51\rEXPORTER_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 553d9efb308797f20cbfe73096082bf3c07725f0b4d0d151d1c0322aa49623a25184c9fe845069d040d6ec9f0e75f214\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 95c9db31c38deb0c074ee7cea5e8e454ab30afea554f5d7ea5f7e91f28665d9990da2630dd55721046eb87acb3ddb335\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 54d0f425309fe118311e179d8bcd965ef696a9cacca1a78369ef10164dbc7e7418f2ceaf9cceb51033e5984aed76ef3a\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 9c44fcd6a41a5c3701365fbc28ddc6dd1369ddf82cbaac150995424782d2a0dc0dcf58676b88f939e403fbd5580a74bf\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 cbf5ae80e7c2d4f4d8a76bafed3a9b297ec8a35ef6ce8d1b2328afc20a73407b7e237ad100761e81e3dda1a4a7e329e1\rEXPORTER_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 43c3d3ca25c476f8a929cc90101b91e740a54e83e31a1eb651327b7dd597a9a6d30ad62d9eae5f2de21720883fa4ab7f\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 26af089be6c5e54a725d099b1ddb7d2ce703dce8e84b3575d283703f690c7acce0fd775eac9abf9b2ccb04f49f6bfb1c\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 957b72988d54b864532fe51256a59c55b69b8dfefcbbf81f4378493d0cf3b288fe111f9000c49857d35d63ea3e519d72\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 62b416237b731eb435e5392baf3ae37be85c9844f9f55a7440bb74b60a2866b72b09bfaba1f6ea7b07328a38b3595808\r" # Actual: "SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e c46a83cd4156c9f5a3c53a8d673cb888543a535fcacc6e5a0067ccf92afd7104213effe874ff31ea930210caa480cf27\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 4fc7b8e8577b8ac51e59f13acf73c8a67a15af43f4965dad6ecfd31136cc09a2b518784925e5c0bf6375f23d5e088113\rEXPORTER_SECRET 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 07b8fce3c826593d7e66527c22ebc710b4ef64f8c2921b9c89f99ebfca4df37d9852dc0f35ffc0b5046c5daee48b35d4\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 672b3ece1a18396aa4645db0617cf4002c6ce8b039a6b522fa3a6788ec1744b3e189304a99906c24cd95298e258b54ad\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 20afdda8ca612c07e6ae5036ce4cd572edf444e61112b85908b15a9ca4ac3a5e 20bd3408a8d1f2c779e1895c74b639631d645e1b97cf291964a0fa7b4702ad308213170e7784d47cd411d881d258b9e6\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 521a5a83ce0b115757dddfc068379813eba5ecbca8e0dc6c8211a05b029b13cb6c4acf359697a9c0b02e55bfdcf1fb57\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 09045680090473c5920facdcc5849fa98b267803d0216257a0c552806073de15a73d3e47bf28374e030ed4de1ffe9be9\rEXPORTER_SECRET 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 15c107ae3607293d1a245dada03d96ca3ac0b2e94447ec6bc6d5af695e54960397c431da64c04c702ea226338128067a\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 5956d61b750355c655304d1aca8d723b15a9b29fe18609784e0b6c8d819e53cf45030669b9a51a886f3f18ca4d1b0f73\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 27174ce3e1d552c80bd1a22d2cec50f31dee027f362ff7f3bf9f5d77ba464cef 79f9b1819ccd9b69980c4788cd65f87b0d288835c62890234eb0fc942eede6b74a789ce9767bc3245e6363f18ac58fa6\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 f491b5d8e9c5bf4a38d12966093f8da613766d4c7dc3f557337b08e4f6b1af105527e2e46f19c4bd947b2b1b5fe3e314\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 612f16033cc1e94849dc3a206247c5760421a94f68f2e9cde33b48e616b591d60be853f27b7537aa8f59ad4aec85e55a\rEXPORTER_SECRET 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 a2467e5c30484d3f7b3ce05be675c2465a237e1b3d772fd2745e9b181a881a8f9aaee8ae4b7980ab8c934a02c58e61a7\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 990211d781ad8eb19cc2db122eb3868e737aa6b7143799f4b8f72a7ea672bef0e65ab6630924169c6dd2f59f55846aee\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 37cf050f83316e6f7cb7256d5ece7b9f4c53e014bebdd9bc4393c934c5120ac9 2093ffbaa9b85f7cbb4d00653036f3f6986dfaec000b46add51919390b17b49e02ecb34c3be5dc48aa21e218d9d3d70f\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 3ae3754f332170315dd4516cb8f062ac5fae2afa54f6820403d22ddb2397ae30b4aa21140a68162acac270a6a71d9f51\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 54d0f425309fe118311e179d8bcd965ef696a9cacca1a78369ef10164dbc7e7418f2ceaf9cceb51033e5984aed76ef3a\rEXPORTER_SECRET 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 553d9efb308797f20cbfe73096082bf3c07725f0b4d0d151d1c0322aa49623a25184c9fe845069d040d6ec9f0e75f214\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 95c9db31c38deb0c074ee7cea5e8e454ab30afea554f5d7ea5f7e91f28665d9990da2630dd55721046eb87acb3ddb335\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 034d3800864d87141abc05a3e17e84726ce10b85d931eb5d00eadd80984dbb7e 9c44fcd6a41a5c3701365fbc28ddc6dd1369ddf82cbaac150995424782d2a0dc0dcf58676b88f939e403fbd5580a74bf\rSERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 cbf5ae80e7c2d4f4d8a76bafed3a9b297ec8a35ef6ce8d1b2328afc20a73407b7e237ad100761e81e3dda1a4a7e329e1\rCLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 957b72988d54b864532fe51256a59c55b69b8dfefcbbf81f4378493d0cf3b288fe111f9000c49857d35d63ea3e519d72\rEXPORTER_SECRET c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 43c3d3ca25c476f8a929cc90101b91e740a54e83e31a1eb651327b7dd597a9a6d30ad62d9eae5f2de21720883fa4ab7f\rSERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 26af089be6c5e54a725d099b1ddb7d2ce703dce8e84b3575d283703f690c7acce0fd775eac9abf9b2ccb04f49f6bfb1c\rCLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 c98b2b143864bb78bfb7bac233c1e4bb463eb7bbfe18ed056293e4d8752596c9 62b416237b731eb435e5392baf3ae37be85c9844f9f55a7440bb74b60a2866b72b09bfaba1f6ea7b07328a38b3595808\r" # [ FAILED ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_true__enable_tls_key_logging_true, where GetParam() = 8-byte object <05-00 00-00 01-01 00-00> (69 ms) # [ RUN ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_true__enable_tls_key_logging_false # [ OK ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_true__enable_tls_key_logging_false (64 ms) # [ RUN ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_false__enable_tls_key_logging_false # [ OK ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_false__enable_tls_key_logging_false (66 ms) # [----------] 4 tests from TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest (284 ms total) # [----------] Global test environment tear-down # [==========] 4 tests from 1 test suite ran. (284 ms total) # [ PASSED ] 2 tests. # [ FAILED ] 2 tests, listed below: # [ FAILED ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_false__enable_tls_key_logging_true, where GetParam() = 8-byte object <05-00 00-00 00-01 00-00> # [ FAILED ] TlsKeyLogging/TlsKeyLoggingEnd2EndTest.KeyLogging/TestScenario__num_listening_ports_5__share_tls_key_log_file_true__enable_tls_key_logging_true, where GetParam() = 8-byte object <05-00 00-00 01-01 00-00> # 2 FAILED TESTS # # Confirmed in 1.48.1 2022-09-15 tls_key_export %endif EOF } | xargs -r chmod -v a-x find %{_vpath_builddir} -type f -perm /0111 -name '*_test' | sort | while read -r testexe do echo "==== $(date -u --iso-8601=ns): $(basename "${testexe}") ====" %{__python3} tools/run_tests/start_port_server.py %if %{without gdb} # There is a history of some tests failing by hanging. We use “timeout” so # that a test that does hang breaks the build in a vagurely reasonable # amount of time. Some tests really can be slow, so the timeout is long! timeout -k 61m -v 60m \ %if %{with valgrind} valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes \ %endif "${testexe}" %else # Script gdb to run the test file and record any backtrace. Note that this # reports an error when tests fail, because there is no stack on which to # report a backtrace after the test exits successfully, and that this keeps # going after a test fails, because we ignore the mentioned error. A # cleverer gdb script would be nice, but this is good enough for the # intended purpose. tee "${testexe}-script.gdb" </dev/null | grep -E '[^:]testing::' then echo 'Found traces of gtest/gmock' 1>&2 exit 1 fi %endif %files %license LICENSE NOTICE.txt LICENSE-utf8_range %{_libdir}/libaddress_sorting.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgpr.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc_unsecure.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libupb.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libupb_collections_lib.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libupb_json_lib.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libupb_textformat_lib.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libutf8_range_lib.so.%{c_so_version}{,.*} %files data %license LICENSE NOTICE.txt %dir %{_datadir}/grpc/ %{_datadir}/grpc/roots.pem %files doc %license LICENSE NOTICE.txt %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/AUTHORS %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/CONCEPTS.md %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/MAINTAINERS.md %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/README.md %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/SECURITY.md %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/TROUBLESHOOTING.md %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/doc/ %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/examples/ %files cpp %{_libdir}/libgrpc++.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_alts.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_error_details.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_reflection.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_unsecure.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc_authorization_provider.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpc_plugin_support.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %{_libdir}/libgrpcpp_channelz.so.%{cpp_so_version}{,.*} %if %{with core_tests} %files cli %{_bindir}/grpc_cli %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_test_config.so.%{cpp_so_version} %{_mandir}/man1/grpc_cli.1* %{_mandir}/man1/grpc_cli-*.1* %endif %files plugins # These are for program use and do not offer a CLI for the end user, so they # should really be in %%{_libexecdir}; however, too many downstream users # expect them in $PATH to change this for the time being. %{_bindir}/grpc_*_plugin %files devel %{_libdir}/libaddress_sorting.so %{_libdir}/libgpr.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc_authorization_provider.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc_unsecure.so %{_libdir}/libupb.so %{_libdir}/libupb_collections_lib.so %{_libdir}/libupb_json_lib.so %{_libdir}/libupb_textformat_lib.so %{_libdir}/libutf8_range_lib.so %{_includedir}/grpc/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gpr.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/grpc.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc %{_libdir}/cmake/grpc/ %{_libdir}/libgrpc++.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_alts.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_error_details.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_reflection.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc++_unsecure.so %{_libdir}/libgrpc_plugin_support.so %{_includedir}/grpc++/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/grpc++.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/grpc++_unsecure.pc %{_libdir}/libgrpcpp_channelz.so %{_includedir}/grpcpp/ %files -n python3-grpcio %license LICENSE NOTICE.txt LICENSE-utf8_range %{python3_sitearch}/grpc/ %{python3_sitearch}/grpcio-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-tools %license LICENSE NOTICE.txt LICENSE-utf8_range %{python3_sitearch}/grpc_tools/ %{python3_sitearch}/grpcio_tools-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-channelz %{python3_sitelib}/grpc_channelz/ %{python3_sitelib}/grpcio_channelz-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-health-checking %{python3_sitelib}/grpc_health/ %{python3_sitelib}/grpcio_health_checking-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-reflection %{python3_sitelib}/grpc_reflection/ %{python3_sitelib}/grpcio_reflection-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-status %{python3_sitelib}/grpc_status/ %{python3_sitelib}/grpcio_status-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %files -n python3-grpcio-testing %{python3_sitelib}/grpc_testing/ %{python3_sitelib}/grpcio_testing-%{pyversion}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info/ %changelog ## START: Generated by rpmautospec * Sun Dec 24 2023 Tom Callaway - 1.60.0-1 - Uncommitted changes * Tue Nov 21 2023 Yaakov Selkowitz - 1.48.4-30 - Fix flatpak build * Thu Nov 02 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-28 - Do not call PyEval_InitThreads (fix RHBZ#2247486) * Wed Nov 01 2023 Miro Hrončok - 1.48.4-27 - Use Cython 3, specify noexcept for cdef functions * Wed Oct 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-26 - F38+: Simplify Python test environment setup - Use %%{py3_test_envvars} * Tue Aug 29 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-25 - Rebuild for abseil-cpp-20230802.0 * Fri Jul 21 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-24 - Use the Cython compat package for now * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.48.4-23 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-22 - Use new (rpm 4.17.1+) bcond style * Wed Jul 05 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-20 - Backport fix for CVE-2023-32732 (fix RHBZ#2214470) * Thu Jun 22 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-19 - Improved find_module patch * Thu Jun 22 2023 Python Maint - 1.48.4-18 - Rebuilt for Python 3.12 * Wed Jun 21 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-17 - Fix grpcio tests for Python 3.12 * Wed Jun 21 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-16 - Patch HTTP test server for Python 3.12 * Thu Jun 15 2023 Python Maint - 1.48.4-15 - Rebuilt for Python 3.12 * Fri May 12 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-14 - Add a trailing slash to one more directory in the files lists * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-13 - Add %%py_provides for importable modules * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-12 - List directories with trailing slashes * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-11 - List .so files more precisely * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-10 - Update rpmlintrc rules * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-9 - Hardlink duplicate files in the examples * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-8 - List doc/example files more explicitly - Drop some less-relevant text documentation files * Thu May 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-7 - Drop python3-grpcio-admin and python3-grpcio-csds subpackages * Wed May 10 2023 Yaakov Selkowitz - 1.48.4-6 - Always disable xds-protos dependency in RHEL builds * Tue Apr 25 2023 Yaakov Selkowitz - 1.48.4-5 - Revbump for ELN rebuild * Sun Mar 05 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-4 - Post-bootstrap rebuild for abseil-cpp-20230125 * Sat Mar 04 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-3 - Bootstrap for abseil-cpp-20230125 * Sat Mar 04 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-2 - Skip a couple of new failing tests on aarch64 for abseil-cpp-20230125.0 * Thu Mar 02 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.4-1 - Update to 1.48.4 * Thu Feb 09 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.3-1 - Update to 1.48.3 (close RHBZ#2126980) * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.48.2-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jan 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.2-2 - Update License to include header-only dependencies * Sat Dec 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.2-1 - Update to 1.48.2 * Mon Nov 21 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.1-4 - More-correct .pc file path fix - When passing paths to the build system, they are now correctly relative to the prefix rather than absolute. * Wed Nov 16 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.1-3 - Fix wrong paths in .pc files * Sat Sep 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.1-2 - Update test skips for 1.48.1 * Thu Sep 08 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.1-1 - Update to grpc 1.48.1 (close RHBZ#2123215) * Fri Aug 19 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.0-2 - Update to grpc 1.48.0 (close RHBZ#2100262) * Fri Aug 19 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.48.0-1 - Update to grpc 1.48.0 (bootstrap build) * Sun Aug 14 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.47.1-1 - Update to 1.47.1 * Sat Aug 13 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-10 - Update License fields to SPDX * Thu Aug 04 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-9 - Add dependency on grpc-plugins from grpc-devel * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.46.3-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jun 20 2022 Python Maint - 1.46.3-7 - Rebuilt for Python 3.11 * Wed Jun 15 2022 Python Maint - 1.46.3-6 - Bootstrap for Python 3.11 * Fri Jun 10 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-5 - Work around ChannelzServicerTest Python 3.11 regressions for now - Skips five failing tests. Closes RHBZ#2095027. * Fri Jun 10 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-4 - Fix deprecated “inspect.getargspec” * Fri May 27 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-3 - Use new upstream PR#25635 as .pc path fix * Sat May 21 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-2 - Add exact-version dependency on grpc-cpp from grpc-cli * Sat May 21 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.3-1 - Update to 1.46.3 (close RHBZ#2088859) * Tue May 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.2-1 - Update to 1.46.2 (close RHBZ#2087019) * Tue May 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.1-2 - Trivial typo fixes in spec file comments * Sun May 15 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.46.1-1 - Update to 1.46.1 (close RHBZ#2024386) - No longer depends on wyhash, as the core of the algorithm has been rewritten and included in the primary sources * Mon May 02 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-21 - F37+: Stop tracking test failures on 32-bit arches * Thu Mar 31 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-20 - Improve grpc-1.40.0-python-grpcio-use-system-abseil.patch * Wed Mar 30 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-19 - Add exactly-versioned grpc-cpp subpackage dependencies * Wed Mar 30 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-18 - Add virtual Provides for bundled upb to binary packages * Mon Mar 28 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-17 - Skip client_ssl_test, which is prone to occasional timeouts * Mon Mar 28 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-16 - Drop the NodeJS example’s package-lock.json file * Wed Mar 09 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-15 - Rebuild for abseil-cpp 20211102.0 (non-bootstrap) * Tue Mar 08 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-14 - Rebuild for abseil-cpp 20211102.0 (bootstrap) * Tue Mar 08 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-13 - Rebuild for abseil-cpp 20211102.0 * Sat Feb 05 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-12 - Drop Conflicts with libgpr (fix RHBZ#2017576) * Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.41.1-11 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 16 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-10 - Add link to PR for GCC 12 fix * Sun Jan 16 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-9 - Fix build on GCC 12 * Thu Jan 13 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-8 - Non-bootstrap rebuild * Wed Jan 12 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-7 - Bootstrap after libre2.so.9 bump (fix RHBZ#2038546) * Sat Jan 08 2022 Miro Hrončok - 1.41.1-6 - Rebuilt for libre2.so.9 * Tue Dec 14 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-5 - Dep. on cmake-filesystem is now auto-generated * Fri Nov 05 2021 Adrian Reber - 1.41.1-4 - Rebuilt for protobuf 3.19.0 * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-3 - Add explicit Conflicts with libgpr for now (RHBZ#2017576) * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-2 - Fix mixed spaces and tabs in spec file * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.1-1 - Update to 1.41.1 (close RHBZ#20172232) * Tue Oct 26 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.0-4 - Reduce macro indirection in the spec file * Mon Oct 25 2021 Adrian Reber - 1.41.0-3 - Rebuilt for protobuf 3.18.1 * Tue Oct 12 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.0-2 - Update failing/skipped tests * Wed Oct 06 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.41.0-1 - Update to 1.41.0 * Thu Sep 30 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.40.0-3 - Add missing python3-grpcio+protobuf extras metapackage * Tue Sep 28 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.40.0-2 - Drop HTML documentation * Fri Sep 17 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.40.0-1 - Update to 1.40.0 (close RHBZ#2002019) * Wed Sep 15 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-10 - Trivial fix to grpc_cli-call man page * Tue Sep 14 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-9 - Adapt to google-benchmark 1.6.0 * Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad - 1.39.1-8 - Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0 * Mon Aug 23 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-7 - Update some spec file comments * Fri Aug 20 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-6 - Remove arguably-excessive use of the %%%%{name} macro * Fri Aug 20 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-5 - No files need CRNL line ending fixes anymore * Fri Aug 20 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-4 - Spiff up shebang-fixing snippet * Fri Aug 20 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-3 - Remove executable permissions from more non-script sources, and send a PR upstream * Fri Aug 20 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-2 - Some minor spec file cleanup * Thu Aug 19 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.1-1 - Update to grpc 1.39.1 (close RHBZ#1993554) * Thu Aug 19 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.0-3 - More updates to documented/skipped test failures * Fri Aug 06 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.0-2 - Some updates to documented/skipped test failures * Tue Aug 03 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.39.0-1 - Update to 1.39.0 * Wed Jul 21 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-10 - Simplify core test exclusion (no more useless use of cat) * Fri Jul 9 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-8 - Use googletest 1.11.0 * Mon Jun 14 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-7 - Add BR on xxhash-static since we use it as a header-only library * Thu Jun 10 2021 Rich Mattes - 1.37.1-6 - Rebuild for abseil-cpp-20210324.2 * Thu Jun 10 2021 Stephen Gallagher - 1.37.1-5 - Fix builds against Python 3.10 on ELN/RHEL as well * Thu Jun 10 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-4 - Since it turns out xxhash is used as a header-only library, we can stop patching the source to unbundle it; removing the bundled copy suffices * Fri Jun 04 2021 Python Maint - 1.37.1-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.10 * Fri May 21 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-2 - Use full gRPC_{CPP,CSHARP}_SOVERSION in file globs * Tue May 11 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.37.1-1 - General: * New version 1.37.1 * Drop patches that were upstreamed since the last packaged release, were backported from upstream in the first place, or have otherwise been obsoleted by upstream changes. * Rebase/update remaining patches as needed * Drop Fedora 32 compatibility * Add man pages for grpc_cli - C (core) and C++ (cpp): * Switch to CMake build system * Build with C++17 for compatibility with the abseil-cpp package in Fedora * Add various Requires to -devel subpackage * Tue Apr 06 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.26.0-15 - General: * Do not use %%exclude for unpackaged files (RPM 4.17 compatibility) - Python: * Stop using %%pyproject_buildrequires, since it is difficult to fit the pyproject-rpm-macros build and install macros into this package, and Miro Hrončok has advised that “mixing %%pyproject_buildrequires with %%py3_build/%%py3_install is generally not a supported way of building Python packages.” * Thu Mar 25 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.26.0-14 - General: * Improved googletest source URL (better tarball name) * Tue Mar 23 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.26.0-13 - General: * Replace * with • in descriptions * Use cmake() dependencies first, and pkgconfig() dependencies second, where available * Drop explicit pkgconfig BR * Fix the directory in which CMake installs pkgconfig files * Improved CMake options * Build the Doxygen reference manuals - C (core) and C++ (cpp): * Let the -devel package require cmake-filesystem * Allow building tests with our own copy of gtest/gmock, which will become mandatory when we depend on abseil-cpp and switch to C++17 * Fix a link error in the core tests when using CMake * Manually install grpc_cli (CMake) * Add CMake files to the files list for the -devel package * Start running some of the core tests in %%check - Python: * Add several patches required for the tests * BR gevent for gevent_tests * Fix build; in particular, add missing preprocess and build_package_protos steps, without which the packages were missing generated proto modules and were not usable! * Add %%py_provides for Fedora 32 * Drop python3dist(setuptools) BR, redundant with %%pyproject_buildrequires * Start running most of the Python tests in %%check * Merge the python-grpcio-doc subpackage into grpc-doc * Tue Feb 16 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.26.0-12 - C (core) and C++ (cpp): * Add CMake build support but do not enable it yet; there is still a problem where grpc_cli is only built with the tests, and a linking problem when building the tests * Tue Feb 02 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 1.26.0-11 - General: * Update summaries and descriptions * Update License fields to include licenses from bundled components * Fix failure to respect Fedora build flags * Use the system shared certificate bundle instead of shipping our own - CLI: * No longer set rpath $ORIGIN - C (core) and C++ (cpp): * Add c_so_version/cpp_so_version macros * Split out C++ bindings and shared data into subpackages * Drop obsolete ldconfig_scriptlets macro * Stop stripping debugging symbols - Python: * Use generated BR’s * Build and package Python binding documentation * Disable accommodations for older libc’s * Patch out -std=gnu99 flag, which is inappropriate for C++ * Build additional Python packages grpcio_tools, gprcio_channelz, grpcio_health_checking, grpcio_reflection, grpcio_status, and grpcio_testing * Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.26.0-10 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 14 08:46:34 CET 2021 Adrian Reber - 1.26.0-9 - Rebuilt for protobuf 3.14 * Fri Nov 13 2020 Artem Polishchuk - 1.26.0-8 - build: disable LTO due to rh#1893533 * Thu Sep 24 2020 Adrian Reber - 1.26.0-7 - Rebuilt for protobuf 3.13 * Mon Aug 03 2020 Gwyn Ciesla - 1.26.0-6 - Patches for https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/21669 * Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.26.0-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jun 14 2020 Adrian Reber - 1.26.0-4 - Rebuilt for protobuf 3.12 * Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hrončok - 1.26.0-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.9 * Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.26.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 15 2020 Sergey Avseyev - 1.26.0-1 - Update to 1.26.0 * Thu Dec 19 2019 Orion Poplawski - 1.20.1-5 - Rebuild for protobuf 3.11 * Thu Oct 03 2019 Miro Hrončok - 1.20.1-4 - Rebuilt for Python 3.8.0rc1 (#1748018) * Mon Aug 19 2019 Miro Hrončok - 1.20.1-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.8 * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.20.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Fri May 17 2019 Sergey Avseyev - 1.20.1-1 - Update to 1.20.1 * Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.18.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 16 2019 Sergey Avseyev - 1.18.0-1 - Update to 1.18.0 * Mon Dec 17 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 1.17.1-3 - Properly store patch in SRPM * Mon Dec 17 2018 Sergey Avseyev - 1.17.1-2 - Build without ruby plugin for Fedora < 30 (Thanks to Mathieu Bridon) * Fri Dec 14 2018 Sergey Avseyev - 1.17.1-1 - Update to 1.17.1 and package python bindings * Fri Dec 07 2018 Sergey Avseyev - 1.17.0-1 - Initial revision ## END: Generated by rpmautospec